Wednesday, June 10, 2009

But, Daddy, I Want An Oompa Loompa NOW!

Oh, sweet justice.

Miss Fake-Titties California, Carrie Prejean, is being fired by The Donald. It seems she wasn't showing up for appearances that she was contractually bound to attend under her Miss California contract. Donald Trump reportedly said, "To me she was the sweetest thing. Everyone else -- she treated like s**t." What? A sweet little Christian girl treating people like excrement? Say it ain't so!

Carrie cannot spell, think, or even understand why she's wrong when she says it's great that we live in America where people can choose regular marriage or "opposite marriage," because guess what, sugartits? People in 44 states cannot choose. She pricelessly had this to say in recent e-mail messages to pageant officials, you know, her bosses:

"You do not cooperate with me, and you pick and chose [sic] the the [sic] things YOU want me to do. That is not happening anymore. Stop speaking for me. I have MY own voice." And, "Also I was asked to fill in for a dj on a local radio show.. I'll be reading from a show biz script Monday. I am doing this."

Oh, dear sweet peroxide bimbo. It's called a contract. You signed it. They don't need your cooperation. They get to "pick and chose [sic]." They say, "Jump!" You ask, "How high?" Sit. Shake. Stay. Good dog!

I'm thrilled that the Christian Right has this wonderful example of a follower of Jesus to speak out against gay marriage. Our blonde prophet has fake tits (the Bible says: the body is a temple), cruel personality (the Bible says: do unto others as you'd have done unto you), and a wretched sense of entitlement (the Bible says: pride goeth before the fall) that would make Baby Jesus weep. Sounds like the perfect poster child for their asinine movement.


  1. I can't stand this bitch! She reminds me of so many entitled, Christian girls that i grew up with.

    Honestly, I have felt the least amount of love and the most amount of judgement & persecution from people who claim to be Christians...or as I like to call them, Pharisees.

    I'm glad that the Donald finally came to his senses.

  2. I think she needs to read The Narcissism Epidemic, LOL.

  3. Bro --

    Don’t all Jesus fearing, Bible loving, homo hating Christians pose nude underage? You have become such a prude in your old age. He He He.

    -- Me

  4. Opposite sex! It just makes me laugh every time I hear it. Perhaps she also has opposite intelligence, tits and grammar. She'll probably work for FOX News soon, to which I will now refer to as Opposite News. Quite appropriate.
