Monday, February 23, 2009

Mother knows best

This is an old post from my now-defunct Myspace blog. I'm going to post some of the older postings in reverse chronological order to put a little meat on the bones of this puppy.

Originally posted Thursday, April 19, 2007.

Today was my last day of class. Ever. I called my mom and told her to raise a glass of grape juice in celebration. (She doesn't drink.) Later in the evening she sent me this instant message while I was getting ready to go out:

Paul we are very proud of you. We always have been. I'm so happy for you that you are finally done. Now all your hard work will start paying off. Please always remember that when you were small and still at home I could help take care of you. But for a long time now you have to take care of you. So be your own best friend. It isn't selfish to be good to your own body, soul, spirit, heart, and mind so take a little time each day to do this. Don't party too hard or long. I miss you and love you with all my heart. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love "your" mother. Great post. Have fun . . . but not if it involves Jesus juice, OK?
